Monday, December 10, 2012

Borrowed Prayers

I love reading old prayers that were written down by great servants of God, Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, Madame Guyon. Thomas Merton.... I have adapted some and used them at different seasons in my own life. One that I found recently, author unknown, bears repeating. In fact, I've been trying to repeat it daily in my personal prayer time.

Lord, I commit myself to you and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. 
I submit to you all that I am, all my gifts and talents, and even the 
calling that you have on my life. I give it to you; I die to it all 
so that you might resurrect it again in me. I commit to you the ministry 
that you have given me to do. I desire always that it be your ministry, 
not mine, Lord. I want to see only what you would have me see. I desire 
to hear only what you would have me hear and to sense only what you know 
it is time to reveal. I want to speak what you would have me speak under 
your direction and guidance. Give me ears to hear and fully discern your 
voice. Make me worthy of your people's trust. May my words and attitudes 
be as gentle or as firm as yours. Teach me and don't let me wander from 
you. Love your people through me, O Lord and work your freedom into their 
lives through me for your glory.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Superstorm, American Red Cross Disaster Relief Operation in Northeastern West Virginia

November 2, 2012
I'm heading to the East Coast tomorrow to help the Red Cross with relief efforts following Superstorm Sandy.

November 3
Travel Day
Steve headed to the car after depositing me and my bags on the sidewalk at the airport, then he turned back and said: "Honey, I'm really proud of you!" It made the loneliness of that moment very satisfying.

November 4
I arrived late last night in West Virginia. I will get my assignment today to help the Red Cross relief effort.

I will be working out of a Southern Baptist kitchen delivering meals to folks up in the WV mtns who have been cut off by snow and dealing with power outages.

Working into the night. The need is great here. We are just getting into a couple of isolated counties with relief, food and water.These folks are so appreciative, it is a joy. More snow is on the way...

November 5
The Baptists cook great meals from their mobile kitchen. A lady came in this morning and asked if we could bring meals to her apt complex. They have been w/out power since Sandy. Yes.... She melted and started crying. I love this job! 

Our stats for the day. We fed 1845 meals this morning and will go out again with 1695 dinners for delivery to cold and hungry people in the mountains of W Virginia.

November 6
Yikes, it's about 25 degrees out there.... Brrrr! Keeping a close eye on the weather. Snow could really slow down our food routes.

Our team were all a little homesick tonight and ended up passing our phones around over dinner to show off pictures of our loved ones back home, both the two and the four legged kind. I love and miss you Steven Dalton Stroop, Sophie B, Tessa Sue, Jena and BJ!

November 7
Day 5 of operation at Kitchen 2 in West Virginia: 
The Red Cross has been working closely with the National Guard to get food into remote areas hit hard by winds and heavy snow from Hurricane Sandy in remote regions in the mountains of Northeastern West Virginia. Today we are sending two Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles and a box truck with MRE's and water to Kingwood, WV to be air dropped by military helicopters into remote communities in great need of relief.

I'm working with some really nice people and although tensions can build because of the long hours we are working and the stresses of the situation, folks give a lot of allowance for each other and settle into their niche/skill set. Debby, our manager sized people up very quickly and plugged roles just right as well as giving some flexibility for interest and fulfillment. 

I am her asst, make or handle a lot of calls for her, keep a lot of notes, run some spreadsheets, keep track of our staff of 45 crew, check them in and out with sign in sheets, who is where, everyone stays accounted for, but I also make one feeding run a day across town to low income apts that were 8 days without power, so I get some hands on relief work. It can be a very chaotic environment but it works, we're getting the job done. We're bringing food and relief supplies to five counties in Northeastern West Virginia. We are working twelve hour days and have started rotating a much deserved day off for staff and ERV crews. The word getting chatted about, HQ may start re-deploying some of our crews further North as this area gets back their power and consolidate Red Cross relief to some of the hardest hit areas from Sandy. The enormity and sheer geographic size of this event is mind boggling. I will stick with our site mgr till we close "WV Kitchen 2" or I'm rotated out and sent back home.

Hanging out for dinner with my Red Cross co-workers after a long day’s work.

November 8
I got a much better night's sleep last night. It must have been your prayers and blowing off steam at dinner with my co-workers. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I was beginning to think I had missed my calling as a comedian when I realized, oh yeah, it is Day Five of a disaster deployment and everyone is a little punchy. We weren't the group who kept going late at night though.... Mmmmm, we'll see who is bleary eyed at staff mtg this morning! Good thing I brought ear plugs.

November 9
Day 7 of operation at Kitchen 2 in West Virginia: 
Thanks for the prayers for strength. The need is great here in WV tho much of the news is focused on NJ and NY. It is very rural here, our drivers are covering 6 counties with strategic food drops, some with the assistance of the Natl Guard because of the terrain and heavy snow and downed power lines. Pockets are w/out power which is what we are prioritizing because there is a lot of poverty and need for food, where do you start.... Folks are very appreciative and often do random acts of kindness for us. The other day my co-worker and I stopped in a gas n go station and bought a couple of sandwiches to go. A lady in line stepped up and bought them for us just to show her appreciation. Warm hugs all around!

There was a health inspector that stopped by yesterday although he said he wasn't in an official capacity, he was just curious how our field kitchen operation worked. The big trailer industrial kitchen is run by the Southern Baptist disaster response org, the Red Cross just is partnering with them in logistics and distribution. Their best meal was Monday evening's chicken n dumplings. The Salisbury steak was good too. Yesterday evening was some kind of dry pressed and breaded chicken patty with very watery and bland instant potatoes.

November 11
Day 9: Looks like our kitchen will be winding down the first of the week and staff beginning to be deployed further north where the need is still great. The difficult decision point here is when power gets restored because there is so much poverty here in the mountains of WV that we could have a feeding program here for months. 

I've become our site manager's right hand so I will stick with her till we turn off the lights at this site. Debby is a great at delegating, hands me the phone and says call so and so and check on such and such or look up this or that, so although I have gone out on a couple of feeding runs, I have been in the office most of the days we have been here.Not as glamorous but still important work and Debby has been great to work with. Most managers in the field lose their cool at some point because of the tremendous pressures but she has been calm cool and collected and even inspirational to all of us in the important work we have been doing. 

We are all very tired at this point of the game. We've been working twelve hour days full of high pressure, juggling and multi-tasking. I found myself yesterday struggling for a word and sometimes substituting the wrong one, like towel when I meant to say blanket. Oh, I'm going to give a little blurb in church service this morning where we have had the site of our kitchen operation, "On behalf of the American Red Cross we want to thank you for your wonderful hospitality......"

November 11
I shared a thank you to the church for hosting our mobile kitchen site for our disaster relief work.

November 12
Day 10: We are significantly downsizing our operation up here in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains in West Virginia. The dear folks here were hit pretty hard with Sandy's high winds and heavy snow which caused widespread power outages. The need for the Red Cross was more short-term through the cold spell until folks could get power back but their infrastructure was not so heavily damaged as it has been further north in NJ and NY. So we will say a fond farewell to about 30 Red Cross volunteers today and send them back down to Charleston, WV where they will be re-assigned. I am staying on here with a skeleton crew if 3 admin and 2 Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs), a total of 7 staff. It's going to be sad. We have all bonded and worked very well together as a team as well as grown fond of the local people we have had the privilege of helping in their time of need.

November 13
We're caravaning down to Charleston today. We closed our kitchen yesterday. In ten days of operation, Kitchen 2 West Virginia served 23,264 meals, 28,569 snacks and water. At our height of operation, we had 47 American Red Cross volunteers and 12 Emergency Response Vehicles working in partnership with the Virginia Southern Baptist mobile kitchen. I am way proud to have been apart of this team and this very successful operation!
American Red Cross headquarters for West Virginia

They may need some of us to caravan some of our Emergency vehicles up to New York. It would be a 10 hour drive, then I'd fly home from New York in a few days’ time. It's fluid, I'll know more soon. I hope I get a night's rest before heading to NY.

November 13 afternoon
I'm going home tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Rest in peace sweet Blackjack. You were dearly loved and we will miss you terribly. We thank God that he gave you to us and let us look after you and love on you. We did our very best!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ocean Breezes

It is amazing how smell will evoke powerful memories.

I have a friend who is struggling with late stage cancer, it's pretty much throughout her system and chemo is taking a heavy toll. The other day she told me she wanted to go for a drive to the ocean. The Pacific ocean is only probably about 15 miles from her house on the San Francisco Bay Peninsula, so we headed out for a late morning drive to the coast.

She had grown up in Boston and the sea wasn't far from her house, so she said that the salt sea air was very nostalgic for her. As we crested the foothills toward the ocean, she was excited to see the fog bank that lay along the coast like a wooly blanket. We found a place to pull off at the beach and she rolled down her window and took a big whiff. The air had that heavy with moisture feel and sure enough, a kind of stinky crab kind of smell that she said brought her right back to her childhood.

She didn't have the energy to get out and walk and just that short drive took a toll, she was pretty tired when I got her back home. Bless her heart! May God be with you on this journey, my dear friend, and bless you with more happy smells!