I love reading old prayers that were written down by great servants of God, Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, Madame Guyon. Thomas Merton.... I have adapted some and used them at different seasons in my own life. One that I found recently, author unknown, bears repeating. In fact, I've been trying to repeat it daily in my personal prayer time.
Lord, I commit myself to you and the guidance of your Holy Spirit.
I submit to you all that I am, all my gifts and talents, and even the
calling that you have on my life. I give it to you; I die to it all
so that you might resurrect it again in me. I commit to you the ministry
that you have given me to do. I desire always that it be your ministry,
not mine, Lord. I want to see only what you would have me see. I desire
to hear only what you would have me hear and to sense only what you know
it is time to reveal. I want to speak what you would have me speak under
your direction and guidance. Give me ears to hear and fully discern your
voice. Make me worthy of your people's trust. May my words and attitudes
be as gentle or as firm as yours. Teach me and don't let me wander from
you. Love your people through me, O Lord and work your freedom into their
lives through me for your glory.