Sunday, January 25, 2015

Painting the Missions

I set as my winter project this year to sketch and paint all of the 21 California Missions. A few of them have been within range to paint on site but most I have painted from pictures. It was a good exercise to improve my skills in drawing perspective.

This painting was done on site. It is the closest of all of the missions to where we live and I have gone there several times to paint. It is Mission San Jose founded in 1797.

Christmas Presents

I'm working on my Christmas presents. I'm painting water colors this year. I've really gotten into this medium and hopefully my family will enjoy what I make, also. Well, my mom will! Moms are good about that!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Posting pictures

I've struggled with this blog site because I cannot easily post pictures. It is a two or three step process and must be done from my home computer, not my iPhone or iPad. I'm looking at some different blog options that are more user and picture friendly.