Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Googling my name

Do you ever google your name? Besides being a bit egocentric, it is a good check to see what info. might be floating out there about yourself. It has both humored and slightly made me uneasy that a post appeared of a guest book entry I made for the condo we stayed in for our honeymoon in Kauai. Humored in that it is a sweet memory and mostly I don't mind, but a little unnerving at how much private information is floating out there.

Insomuch as I don't have anything to really hide beyond the usual embarrassing moments in life and the fact that most of our friends and family think that we are slightly eccentric, especially when it comes to our doxie dogs... Here it is: http://www.kauai-vacation-rental-condos.com/guests00.html

Sept. 17-28, 2000

Thanks so much for the lovely condo cottage. It was our honeymoon love nest and will always be special in our hearts for that reason. We especially liked to draw back the curtains and watch the sunrise in the mornings. We also got a kick out of the chickens who would run pel mel down the hill to get breakfast from the Hawaiian grandma who was their benefactor. Some days when we would come back from touring the island, the swimming pool would be a welcome refreshment.

We appreciated all of the amenities provided in the kitchen and the linens. We also enjoyed watching the Olympics on TV or listening to our romantic love songs on the stereo. A truly wonderful experience!

Steve and Donna Stroop
Seattle, WA

Friday, December 13, 2013

Refreshing Article

I'm not a political person. I believe first and foremost in the Biblical admonition to pray for our leaders. So, I thought this article was refreshing and shows that real life really can take place between people who are often placed at extreme odds from each other. I would like to see more of this kind of thing and less about the wrangling in politics. 

And finally, it is sweet that so many of our current and former leaders paid tribute to a man who actually started out as part of a group that was involved in violence and terrorism but then forgave his enemies and became a true statesman, a driving force toward change and reconciliation. Beautiful!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soaking in the Sun

I was looking back over my journal and thought this was very nice on Nov 4th. I was reading Andrew Murray "Waiting on God"

I really like the analogy by Andrew Murray that waiting on God is like sitting outside and soaking in the sun. It isn't something we feel or experience so much as just absorb. We absorb God's holiness and his strength by just basking in his presence. We don't have an expectation of what he is going to do to us or for us or say or reveal or even how we will feel. We just bask in his presence and rest in simple trust and faith that he is working in our spirits, in our souls, deep in our inner being. Resting, not struggling, not analyzing, resting, absorbing, listening, worshipping, through faith, because he is holy. Like turning your face toward the sun on a nice Spring day after a long and cold winter.

May you soak in time with God today my dear friends!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Our puppies are now 10 weeks old and will start going to their loving homes this weekend. This has been such a sweet adventure. Crazy sometimes, six puppies can poop a lot and chew on everything but we have managed by keeping them confined to the kitchen, dining room and family room area of the house. They also figured out how to use the doggie door just by watching their parents. Now they run in and out and romp and play. We will miss our little brood!

Here are some photos

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our Puppies

What a thrill to be part of the whole birthing process for our little dachshund, Jena. She went into labor about 7am on Tuesday morning, September 17th. By 8am, we knew something wasn't right. It looked like feet were trying to come out first and the puppy was stuck. I packed Jena off to the vets. They were wonderful! The whole team jumped to and worked on getting the first one unstuck and breathing on his own. He was a sweet little dapple boy, just like his Daddy.

The rest came fine after that. VCA All About Pets gave us a private room with blankets on the floor and a little whelping box. It took about six hours for all six puppies to be born. Steve took the day off and we hung out together witnessing this incredible miracle of life being born and puppies taking their first little breath, then nuzzling up to mommy to suckle.

Little Jena did fabulously! She knew exactly what to do and was a great mommy from the start. The staff at the vets were as excited as we were, I think, and took turns poking their heads in and checking in on our growing little family.

We are all home now and doing well. The puppies are growing like little weeds and soon will be opening their eyes.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Circle of Life

We lost our beloved dog, Sophie, about the same time as Jena became pregnant with her litter of pups. Amazing to think about the circle of life. It is haunting and mysterious in many ways.

Sophie was the sweetest, cutest little thing you ever did see and so devoted to me. Thank you, God, for this special gift in our lives. We tried our best to take good care of her!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Disaster Response

Proud to be part of the Red Cross disaster response to help families like these folks today. I am in the news footage in my Red Cross gear. I talked to the reporter but not on camera. 

Unfortunately, one of their puppy dogs didn't make it. Actually, they are lucky they made it out okay.....

Whenever I come back from one of these calls, I hug my husband and doggies extra tight. Life is fragile!

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Steve and I are training for the Tour de Cure in Napa on May 5th. It's a fundraiser for diabetes research. I am going for the 25 mile goal. To be honest, I didn't know if I could do it but I feel stronger and stronger and I am halfway there.

We are having a lot of fun working out our training regimen. The only thing I said to Steve at the outset was that I wanted to eat normal food and not the health food concoctions that he comes up with in the blender sometimes. The color alone is a real put off to my appetite. So he agrees that I can eat what I want to while in this training mode. Even with that, I have lost some weight and toned up noticeably. We usually make our biking runs on the Alameda Creek Trail not far from our home in the San Francisco East Bay.

I did 16 miles today and Steve did 22. (I waited for him at a park bench while he put in a few extra miles on a loop through the hills.) It was a nice day! Slightly overcast with sun breaks and about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. My legs are a little tired tonight but not too bad considering. I should be able to achieve my goal.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Creative Vases

I like to give flowers from my garden to friends. Some time ago I came up with the idea to use old jars or tins or drinking bottles so that my friends didn't have to worry about getting the flower vases back to me. Then it became sort of a creative, vintage style way of giving flower bouquets. Now, I try to think ahead and if I see a shapely bottle or pretty tin or glass jar going into the recycle bin, I save it up for my supply of creative or vintage vases by which to give flowers from my garden to a friend. I didn't realize it had become a signature trademark until mutual friends were gathered at another friends house and someone said, "you got some flowers from Donna's garden, I can tell from the vase." :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wedding Blessing

A dear friend of mine recently got married. I wrote this prayer of blessing for their wedding.  The words came to me and I wrote them down within ten minutes. That is how I know it was from The Lord. He wanted to bless my dear friend and shower her with His love and goodness! She has been through severe trials and grief over the last few years. First she lost her husband, then she lost her son. I sat many hours with her in her deep grief. It is beautiful to see her so happy and in love! Here is the prayer....

Dearest Heavenly Father,

We invoke your blessing upon the marriage of Rick and Robin. May you surround them with favor as a shield and encompass them with your grace. We ask that this union be anointed with the fragrance of Your tender love. May they be an aroma of your goodness and mercy to all who come in contact with them. We ask for your richest blessing upon their lives, no more but no less than what you have in your rich storehouse, ready to shower upon them. And may they give you the glory and honor as they acknowledge that you have blessed them beyond what they could ever imagine or think possible in this earthly life. I also ask for your protection, may no weapon formed against them prosper and may the fiery darts of the enemy be extinguished that they may be able to fully embrace Your will for their lives and commit themselves fully to your service. Give them just enough of trial to hone their close walk with you and to help each other to become all that you would have them to be in the likeness of your precious Son, Jesus Christ. At the same time, heal the wounds that they have endured in this life, yet throughout have remained faithful to You by the power of your Holy Spirit. And give them your abiding peace. You have ordained and brought together these two to become one in your sight today. All praise and honor and glory be to Your Name forever and ever! Amen