Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soaking in the Sun

I was looking back over my journal and thought this was very nice on Nov 4th. I was reading Andrew Murray "Waiting on God"

I really like the analogy by Andrew Murray that waiting on God is like sitting outside and soaking in the sun. It isn't something we feel or experience so much as just absorb. We absorb God's holiness and his strength by just basking in his presence. We don't have an expectation of what he is going to do to us or for us or say or reveal or even how we will feel. We just bask in his presence and rest in simple trust and faith that he is working in our spirits, in our souls, deep in our inner being. Resting, not struggling, not analyzing, resting, absorbing, listening, worshipping, through faith, because he is holy. Like turning your face toward the sun on a nice Spring day after a long and cold winter.

May you soak in time with God today my dear friends!


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