I wrote a quote on the front of the exercise book that I have been using to write down notes and ideas. It says “Give God full access to your story.”
I made the commitment, if I was going to embark on this venture to rebuild the clinic on the mission where I grew up in Zimbabwe, that I would let God use me by using my story. It means being vulnerable on a level that is pretty uncomfortable for me sometimes. There has been deep sorrow and PTSD buried for a long time when my family had to evacuate suddenly from our home during the revolutionary war in Zimbabwe. I had to leave a land and a people that I loved during an indescribable time. Many faced persecution and the trauma was a lot for me to bear at sixteen years old.
As I have reminisced and shared and dreamed about going back, it has been more emotional for me than I anticipated. I've not made it through a presentation yet without choking up and struggling to keep my composure enough to keep going.
Sharing my thoughts
You know what, it's okay though, because I have given God full access to my story. The Lord is tenderly loving me and healing me through this journey.
Susie Larson goes on to say "Give God full access to your story. He will lead you in the way you should go. May you remember that you are part of a great story God is writing in this world. May you trust the Lord’s work in your life so he can use you in ways beyond your wildest dreams. Lean in and trust him, he's got you!”
So carry some tissues if you need to, and let God have access to your story. You might just fill a purpose much bigger than yourself. Let's help walk each other safely home through this journey called life.
Donna (Burris) Stroop
To hear more about this project to rebuild the clinic at Dine’ Mission, follow this link. Any help is more appreciated than you know! Steve Stroop and I plan to make our first visit in February to love on the people in that beautiful land. With your help, I also am really hoping to be able to dedicate a rebuilt clinic in honor of my Mom and Dad, Dan and Esther Burris sometime in the next year. Lots of singing and dancing will be involved!
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