Saturday, July 24, 2021

 Lifted up by Prayers

It has been very humbling to have so many people say that they were praying for me during my recent illness with COVID. I had to go into quarantine in the midst of a very busy trip to Zimbabwe. I went from full steam ahead to full stop. Besides that, I felt miserable with a terrible headache, bad cough, and a burning in all of my mucous membranes. I tried to post and keep folks updated. 

I also wanted to share my faith and the peace that the Lord was near to me during a difficult trial. Part of that, I realized in those moments, those faith filled, peace filled moments, how many people were sincerely praying for me, and praying consistently and at different times. It is amazing to be uplifted in prayer like that. 

One person told me that they were praying for me just at the time that I realized I was probably standing in a line in a shabby little clinic waiting to get the results of my COVID test at the end of my two week quarantine. The results would determine if I could do a couple of things that I really felt were important. I felt very vulnerable and lonely and nervous in that moment, but to realize that I was being lifted up by prayer really touched me. Thank you! 

I believe it is one of the nicest and most loving things you can do, to pray for someone.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

You fill up my senses!

 I was visiting with a new friend the other day. The kind of visit where you are just learning about each other and enjoying one another's company. I am in Zimbabwe. My new friend is a young man who is a deep thinker, curious about the world, and I enjoyed our conversation. He asked me a very insightful question. How would I describe Africa to someone who had never visited here?

I thought for a moment and then I responded, "I would say that Africa fills up my senses." 

Africa! People talk about how beautiful it is here. I've heard it said that once you have visited the continent of Africa, it gets into your soul and you will always want to come back. I described it this way, Africa fills up my senses. The colors are more vibrant. The smells are more earthy. The sun is brighter. The sounds are rich and vibrant, rhythmic and full. The sky is bluer in the day and the stars are painted across the night sky like a carpet in the heavens. People for the most part live simple and joyful. I am more present in the moment when I am in Africa. I love to walk barefooted on African soil. Food is often cooked over a fire and has a smoky richness to it. I feel more comfortable in my own skin here.

Africa fills up my senses! A part of me always feels like I have come home! The kind of "home" where your heart is content. And a part of me always wants to come back when I am away.


We had the privilege of staying at a safari tent camp on the banks of the Runde River at Gonerazhou game park in Zimbabwe. It is a dream come true for me. I've always wanted to have a true safari experience, glamping in a canvas tent and watching wildlife out your front door. 

We were not disappointed. The sounds around us were all encompassing, from the waterfall of the rapids, the hippos bellowing at sunset, birds, then crickets sounding a cacophony, hyenas cackling in the night, but the greatest thrill, waking to the deep throated sound of a lion calling for its mate. Wow! I was halfway between sleep and wakefulness and I whispered to my niece, Jenn, who was in the bed next to me, "is that a lion?" Then I hear Meghan call out from their tent next door, "lions". 

We jumped out of bed, I threw on some clothes, some went in their pajamas, but four of us adventurous gals raced to the vehicle and went searching in the direction of the sound we heard. We ended up on a viewpoint watching the sun rise. We never saw the lions, they are elusive and blend in so well into the bush, but, oh, what a thrill! 

I started to think about the river as a life giving source. Life in the wild revolves around the river. This is what I wrote in my journal.

"The Lord promises us we will be like a well watered stream if we sink our roots deep into Him. This well-watered stream, the Runde River, supports an abundance of life! I have never considered that aspect - truly the life with deep spiritual roots enriches life around it! Today, may I give life to those who come to my stream!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Joys of Travelling

As told by Jenn Burris… our meetup in Chicago

Well I was in terminal 1 and Donna was in terminal 3. Which is about 1.5 miles distance. After about three different configurations of luggage Because I couldn’t find a cart. I finally tied the two suitcases with four wheels together with my jacket, balanced my backpack on it and pushed it with one hand while dragging the other one. Every time I came to a dip by pedestrian walk way everything fell and I had to rearrange. This lasted for twenty minutes and I still wasn’t out of terminal 3 yet. And then finally as I neared the curve to terminal 2 I found a cart. Took me a quick 7 minute brisk walk that would have taken me thirty+ without the cart and I finally made it to terminal 1. Donna called me wondering if I was ok...I was on the wrong level. Took me about five minutes to find the elevator...missed the text saying her baggage claim had changed. When I finally made it to her...poor thing was the last one at her carousel. It took us about 15 minutes to find the bus shuttle. Donna’s bags kept falling off the cart while we were crossing the street. We finally made it to the airport shuttle.... I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed this saga! Love you! 


 Sometimes negative is good! As in I just passed my last hurdle with a negative COVID test. A requirement for international travel.

 I am at my gate ready for take off for Chicago, meet my niece Jenn, and on to Africa. Ironically, I am sitting by the African lounge at SEATAC. 

I am full of anticipation in going but also sadness in leaving my dear husband for six weeks. A dear missionary friend once said, “I am always missing someone!” But I sense such a strong call on my life for this place in the world and this time in my life. Africa here we come!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

Tomorrow I leave for my six week trek to Zimbabwe. I am going to miss my husband terribly. Steve is opting to stay home this trip. My dear niece, Jenn, is going to be my travel companion. We are excited! I'll try to write regular updates on this blog. I haven't used it much, but this seems like a good forum to post longer messages. I'll alert Facebook and Instagram of new posts.

Some things I know that I will be doing. I have been newly appointed Board liaison for Hippo Valley Christian Mission's orphan ministry. So, I will be spending time with some beautiful children. One is our little Makanaka whom Steve and I sponsor at our Children's Village. We call it a village because we try hard to create a family atmosphere.

Speaking of family, I am going to be Aunty at the labola marriage ceremony for one of our adult orphans who was raised in our village. It will require wearing traditional dress. What fun!

I'm also planning to spend time down at Dine, the mission where I grew up. I am looking forward to having more time there to reconnect with people and hear their stories. I have been working hard in raising funds for them to fix a couple of things, including the water system. I am also eager to see how the clinic that we built and dedicated two years ago is functioning.

I stopped by to say goodbye to my mom and dad this morning. They had tears in their eyes to send me off. They will be with me in spirit, but their bodies are old now and their world is smaller because of age limitations.

Exciting things have been happening and I'm eager to see how the Lord will use me in the ministry. And how he will use my niece, Jenn. We are joining Bruce and Sherry Thacker who have been there for six weeks doing a lot of teaching and preaching. They have had very positive response and I sense a momentum that makes me eager to be there. We have a terrific staff and the mission is doing well. It will be my pleasure to give encouragement and affirm the team atmosphere that we have there.

I love Africa! I was raised there! To me it is like going home.

But I remember a dear missionary friend telling me once, "I am always missing somebody". I think that is very true!
