Tuesday, June 8, 2021

 My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

Tomorrow I leave for my six week trek to Zimbabwe. I am going to miss my husband terribly. Steve is opting to stay home this trip. My dear niece, Jenn, is going to be my travel companion. We are excited! I'll try to write regular updates on this blog. I haven't used it much, but this seems like a good forum to post longer messages. I'll alert Facebook and Instagram of new posts.

Some things I know that I will be doing. I have been newly appointed Board liaison for Hippo Valley Christian Mission's orphan ministry. So, I will be spending time with some beautiful children. One is our little Makanaka whom Steve and I sponsor at our Children's Village. We call it a village because we try hard to create a family atmosphere.

Speaking of family, I am going to be Aunty at the labola marriage ceremony for one of our adult orphans who was raised in our village. It will require wearing traditional dress. What fun!

I'm also planning to spend time down at Dine, the mission where I grew up. I am looking forward to having more time there to reconnect with people and hear their stories. I have been working hard in raising funds for them to fix a couple of things, including the water system. I am also eager to see how the clinic that we built and dedicated two years ago is functioning.

I stopped by to say goodbye to my mom and dad this morning. They had tears in their eyes to send me off. They will be with me in spirit, but their bodies are old now and their world is smaller because of age limitations.

Exciting things have been happening and I'm eager to see how the Lord will use me in the ministry. And how he will use my niece, Jenn. We are joining Bruce and Sherry Thacker who have been there for six weeks doing a lot of teaching and preaching. They have had very positive response and I sense a momentum that makes me eager to be there. We have a terrific staff and the mission is doing well. It will be my pleasure to give encouragement and affirm the team atmosphere that we have there.

I love Africa! I was raised there! To me it is like going home.

But I remember a dear missionary friend telling me once, "I am always missing somebody". I think that is very true!


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